

If you landed up to our website which obviously means you are looking for the Best Trucking Transport Company In California or interested in moving some freight? Well, here  you are at right place. Expedite Transport can give you the best Best Trucking Transport service to you. Our company provides both the dedicated and regional truck route services. 

Expedite Transport offers you great job opportunity as well. Transporting goods and services from one local or state to state routes can be difficult. That is why we provide competitive salaries to our accommodate drivers. Now you can join your hands with us and we can grow together. Apply today!

Whether you are a driver looking for a family oriented place to work, or a shipper/receiver searching for a reliable transportation company to safely move your product from point A to point B across the United States; we are here to serve you and exceed your expectations. Please use the navigation menu to obtain information about our company and the type of services we offer. Get the best Best Trucking Transport Services by us or you may also choose to join your hands with us so that we can grow together. We hope to be of assistance to you!

Our Mission

As a freight transportation company, our mission is to provide a safe, efficient, professional, and expedited experience to our customers and team members. We will strive to garner the respect of our customers and transportation team by focusing on developing their success and satisfaction.

We are all trying to meet our goals and get somewhere, and by working together we provide each other with an opportunity to get there faster.

About Us

We specialize in refrigerated commodity transportation across the US. We transport a wide variety of temperature sensitive as well as dry products ranging from produce to meats to alcohol beverages and much more!

To us, our equipment and our drivers are top priority. As a transportation company, we are well aware that it ultimately boils down to the performance of our machines and the knowledge and experience of our drivers. We keep our vehicles well maintained and welcome to our team only those who are capable of thinking for themselves and are problem solvers.

Why chose us?

There are so many trucking companies out there that it may seem easy to simply chose the one that lets you keep the most money in your pocket. Sure, being financially efficient is very important for a business and even for an individual. But here are some other very important things to consider in a potential trucking company:

Do you believe time is more valuable than money? We do! Time is not money, money is time. At the end of the day, we want everyone to have a smooth and expedited experience so we can go home and spend the rest of the time with family/friends without stressing out about work. We respect time as much as possible. If you do too, there is one core value that we as a company and you have in common.

Where do you stand when it comes to loyalty? To us, it is essential in a business relationship. Gaining each other’s trust and keeping it is key to establishing and maintaining a long-lasting and successful relationship. This will allow for both parties to flourish mutually.

We already know you are looking to work alongside professionals. How do you feel about working with a team of professionals that possess the ability to “think outside the box”? We strive to team up only with those who are problem solvers but still stay professional at all times! Those who will only come to you with solutions when things don’t go as planned.

Whether you are thinking of joining our team as a driver/owner operator, or establishing a relationship with us as a customer, one thing is for certain; We would like to offer you nothing less than these qualities.

What are your thoughts? If you think our company matches your or your company’s values then get in touch with us. We most definitely want to hear from you!

PS: As an added bonus, we thought you should know we have only newer and well maintained equipment that we will put at your disposal. That one should be a given in our line of business!

I am a prospective:



Driver/Owner Operator